Before you begin the search, make sure that you have a clear understanding of what you want from an interim leader. Define their role in terms of:
Business objectives – what are the goals and outcomes that need to be achieved? For example, are they responsible for increasing sales by 2% over the next 3 months or reducing costs by 20% over 2 years?
Skills, experience and knowledge required – this may include experience in certain industries or sectors or with specific technologies or processes; knowledge of industry best practice; communication skills etc.
Writing A Job Description
The job description should be a clear and concise document that is easy to read and can be easily shared. A good job description will allow you to clearly articulate the requirements for the role, as well as the type of person who would be best suited for this position.
A good candidate will want to know exactly what they are being hired for before accepting an offer from your organization. A well-written job description can help you find someone who fits within your organization’s culture, values, and goals.
While there are many different formats that can be used when writing your job descriptions, we recommend using bullet points so that it is easily digestible by both parties involved – especially if there are multiple candidates being considered at once!
Creating An Offer Package
When you are ready to make an offer, it is important to create a package. Your offer package should include:
- Salary and benefits
- Details about the role and responsibilities
- Details about the company and team
- Location information (if that is different from where your business is based)
- Identifying and Recruiting Candidates
The first step to hiring an interim Scandinavian Executive is identifying and recruiting candidates. The two main methods for this are:
- Using a recruiter or executive search agency
- Using your own internal resources, such as HR or the board of directors (if applicable)
Evaluating And Selecting Candidates
Before you start interviewing candidates, it’s important to define the role. When hiring an interim executive, you will want to ensure that the person selected has all of the necessary skills and experience required for success in the role.
You should create a job description so that you can clearly communicate what you need from your new hire. You should also specify what skills and experiences are not needed so that potential applicants know they don’t have them before they apply. Once your job description is complete, make sure it is shared with everyone who will be involved with selecting candidates so they have a clear understanding of their own responsibilities related to this process (such as providing references).
Interviewing allows both parties—interviewer and interviewee—to assess each other’s fit for this role before making any commitments about compensation or future employment opportunities at either organization after completion of interim duties (if applicable).
All of these steps require careful planning up front so that once chosen as one of two finalists for this position there will be no surprises during onboarding when everything falls into place smoothly without incident or delay. This is the place to look for the most competent interim recruiting agency. This agency has both operational knowledge as well as the ability to immediately identify a problem or challenge that an organization is encountering.